
117 Movie Reviews

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what a pack of lies..

RiverJordan responds:

Just cuz you haven't experienced it, doesn't mean they're lies

that was pretty terrible

but weed is awesome.. probz would of been a fun little thing to do when stoned.
I didnt even know you could subscribe to people on newgrounds?

Shitassm responds:

Ive seen way terrible shit on here that gets 5 stars all the time and I dont see how this is so horrible compared to that shit.

good animation but too short and i dont get it

good animation but too short and i dont get it


The guy LOSES HIS ARM!! bitten off by a dog.. and his reaction is "oh... this is the worst day of my life" he should be like "ARHGJFHDFKHDJHHDJKHGHGHGHG MY FYCJKUNG ARM!!!" and the girl doesnt not seem phased by this at all.. shes like "i dont date amputee's" THE GUY JUST LOST HIS ARM... why doesnt she care? stoopid animation is stooopid!


Not only do i find this very witty its also got alot of great subtle humor.. i just love how the comedy is different to anything else.. i just.. love it o_o

A painfully overused idea

I found the animation to be messy and incomplete almost as if it was still in draft form.. i found it strange how you emphasized his ass so much.. was this supposed to be some sort of running joke or something?

The message your trying to send could of been something quite amazing, if it wasnt so overused and clitche'd.. Wall-e is a perfect example.. what i love about that movie is there was a strong connection to the charecters and its anti-technology message was so subtle.. your's was basically punching the viewer in the face with your message that they've already heard 100 times over.

The music fit nicely thought..

i also dont understand what is that bar that comes up when i put my mouse over the screen.. what purpose does that serve?

Also are you aussie by any chance? the voice of the girl sounds quite australian..

Also this is more like a pro-technology film in my opinion.. he was a normal person until i got rid of his techknology! when he did he just ran around screaming eating sand and snorting roses..


i minimized the window on the last one worrying something would jump out lol :P

ThomSip responds:

haha, the ending wasn't to scary now was it? :)

very funny and so true

i lol'ed

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Marcus Graham @mgproductions

Age 31, Male


Turramurra High School

Aus ,Sydney

Joined on 7/17/04

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